3 min readOct 17, 2020


Phoenix Wright with Godot’s Coffee in his head

And if you have a minute why don’t we go? Talk about it somewhere only we know. This could be the end of everything, so why don’t we go, somewhere only we know.

Alright, I think maybe this Catch Me Up Email Subject Virus really hit me up. It’s really fun to start everything with music, you know. Everything just seems easier with it. It gives inspirations, motivation, pain, you know, the deep stuff. Just like this mess I’ve been writing (I really don’t know if my grammar, or anything is correct, but who cares? I’ll continue to share this so-called-blog with people).

So, where to start? First thing, is about work. Working in a start-up for me is like opening a gate. It’s fun to know cool stuff, being able to learn more (of course), especially the ones outside your bubbles (I’ve spent so many times learning about politics, and still eager to learn more). BUT — there’s always a but — we have to be well aware of the romanticize (ROMANTISASI WEH) it has caused, from our working hours, responsibilities, duties, deadlines. Just a friendly reminder, though. Please do have a clear stance of your position, responsibilities, and your rights. It’s the most important thing. But I must say, I love working. I love being surrounded by people, responsibilities, pressure (WELL I’M JUST SAYING THIS FOR MY SANITY); it’s like a rollercoaster ride, somehow I recall my first ever rollercoaster ride. It was at a indoor theme park, at one fun Sunday. I rode with my cousin and brothers; at first it was exciting with the train goes up and up, and at certain point you just want to cry out loud and throw up. I didn’t scream at all; and that is why I felt so horrible. Maybe, sometimes, all you need is a good cry and a loud scream. Dance, like your life depends on it. When things gets harder, remember, you need to express yourself.

And from work, by studying people and learning, I ‘m getting to know that all this time I was looking at something through a key hole. Just like Stephen Strange, I was so small-minded, never looking at something thoroughly. I’m just stick to what has happened today, not even bother to think what has happened yesterday, seven months ago, a decade ago. I should be grateful for every experience, trusts, respect people have given me. I hope this blog will help me to become a better person. Plus, everyone has something they do as a salvation from this life, and for me, writing help me to think more clearly. That, and tons of memes.

Negative days, negative nights. Baby, you’re wasting all your time.

Random thoughts — did we (Indonesians) have something like Miranda Rights in the US police? You know, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say and will be used against you… I didn’t Google it, this sentences stick to me since I watched 21 Jump Street (the duo was charming). I mean, did our police have such SOP? I think if they’re going to arrest someone, they only need to show the letter. Hm. Interesting. Maybe I need to Google it later this night.

Anyway, speaking of law and order, I have certain crush with the way a court works, from the people involved in it, the process, the duties. The way the attorney, prosecutor, do cross examination, presenting evidences, arguing and debating, trying to convince the jury and judges, stuff like that. Maybe because I have been a huge fan of Phoenix Wright and his OBJECTION! stance. For fellow players out there, my favorite case is when Phoenix trying to solve Maya’s mother murder case, when his ex-girlfriends (Dahlia Hawthorne and Iris, they’re twins — FYI — and they’re switching roles sometimes, but I think Phoenix was mesmerized by Iris’s kindness) involved, things are getting more and more interesting. I was able to pull all theories without a search engine (I’m a proud detective — lol). I think I need to reinstall the DS simulator in my phone, since I never had a chance to finish either Miles Edgeworth’s series or Apollo Justice’s. I think, this is the right time. Yep.




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